In un momento in cui le imprese sono in difficoltà, strette dalla morsa della crisi italiana ed europea, in provincia di Brescia si investe su se stessi per superare i marosi e avere nuovi orizzonti. Così ha fatto Ilaria Prandelli, giovane donna di 30 anni, mamma e imprenditrice.

Farmacista di professione, il suo sogno era quello di creare prodotti per la cura e la bellezza. Un sogno capace di far emergere la “donna speciale” che c’è sotto ogni rossetto, trucco o messa in piega. L’intraprendenza ha premiato il sogno e Ilaria Prandelli le ha dato la forma di Ilaire Italian Cosmeceutical Essence. Un volto nuovo della cosmesi con creme per la medicina estetica che vivono con gli elementi preziosi delle natura.

Sì, perchè la bellezza non può che nascere dall’oro, il caviale, la polvere di perle e le gemme. Ilaria Prandelli è partita da qui e ha condotto personalmente lo studio dei suoi prodotti scegliendo il meglio che si potesse trovare sul mercato. La sua filosofia suddivide la donna in 7 valori diversi ispirandosi a sette donne diverse. Una donna è preziosa come Kate Middleton, sicura come Isabella Rossellini, ricercata Come Stella McCartney, ispirata come Sofia Coppola, positiva come Michelle Obama , sensuale come Marion Cottilard e indipendente come Ellen DeGeneres. Ognuna di noi racchiude un mondo di emozioni e sentimenti deve solo capire quale usare in quel determinato momento.

“Da quando sono bambina che ho questo sogno – commenta Ilaria Prandelli – forse perché mi sono sempre soffermata ad osservare mia mamma e, alla cura che ci metteva per essere sempre in forma. Sono farmacista, mi sono laureata tre anni fa, nel frattempo mi sono sposata e sono mamma di un bambino di due anni, mi sono costruita come donna, ma pur avendo tanti impegni sono riuscita anche a realizzare il mio sogno quello di diventare imprenditrice. Negli ultimi tempi – continua Ilaria Prandelli – ho passato notti insonni per creare e strutturare la mia azienda e, finalmente in questi mesi sto iniziando a vedere i primi risultati. I medici estetici, apprezzano molto questo prodotto e, per me è una grande soddisfazione vedere crescere piano piano il mio sogno. Noi donne abbiamo la capacità di essere multitasking, anzi a volte lo dobbiamo essere per forza , ma dentro ognuna di noi si nasconde una parte che va curata e che ci aiuta a sentirci forti e a scendere in campo ogni giorno, con la forza che solo noi donne abbiamo. Ma nel nostro intimo sentiamo anche il bisogno di un attimo solo per noi. Questo bisogno l’ho individuato nelle mie creme, dopo una giornata di lavoro e aver fatto anche la mamma, l’attimo che apprezzo di più, è quando mi chiudo in bagno da sola per cinque minuti e mi coccolo con la mia crema da viso preferita, in quel momento tutti i segni della fatica spariscono e mi sento nuova, rinata. Credo che tutte le donne debbano avere questi pochi istanti di cura di sé”.

Ilaria Prandelli da qualche mese è anche Vice Presidente e responsabile dell’Italia dell’associazione internazionale Business & Protocol Monaco che si occupa di creare relazioni tra imprenditori creando anche opportunità commerciali tra gli associati. Una organizzazione che crea una rete professionale con lo scopo di migliorare i contatti commerciali tra Monaco e il resto del mondo.

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Quality in the people you meet is more important than the quantity”, in this inspiring sentence is the essence of a new especially notable body on the Monegasque scene. Business & Protocol Monaco is an original membership-based club and a professional organization devoted to serve the luxury sector newly developed through knowledge, social value and a strong will to push business opportunities as well as friendship among the members.

‘Club de Résidents Étrangers de Monaco” – CREM (Monaco Foreign Residents Club)
Distinguished guests in their stylish dresses (Launch of ‘Business & Protocol’, CREM, 24th October 2019). © Show Business Monte-Carlo

That was clear from the exclusive launching conference planned at the Club de Résidents Étrangers de Monaco” – CREM (Monaco Foreign Residents Club), last Thursday the 24th October 2019Delia Grace Noble, conceiver and founder of this fairy reality, welcomed all distinguished guests coming from the four continents in a harmonious and dreaming atmosphere. Most ladies, in their romantic dresses, were particularly elegant and suitable for the occasion. And the tasteful environment of CREM made everything even more special. That is not surprising since Delia Grace Noble, opera singer, UNICEF Ambassador and founder of Noble Monte-Carlo, is always deeply inspired by the sense of beauty and best expression of refinement, as shown more than once at her Grand Balls.

‘Club de Résidents Étrangers de Monaco” – CREM (Monaco Foreign Residents Club)
Delia Grace Noble, opera singer, UNICEF Ambassador and founder of ‘Business & Protocol Monaco’ with HelloMonaco international magazine (Monaco Foreign Residents Club, 24th October 2019). © Maurizio Abbati

I am so flattered to have all of you today that I feel like I am dreaming”, stated the landlady at the beginning of her speech – “some of you are so dear to my heart”, she added, introducing Lady Louisette Levy-Soussan Azzoaglio, chairwoman at CREM. “We wished to create this special Club open to Monegasque residents to keep the princely spirit of Grace that has changed quite a lot over the years”, highlighted that iconic lady, who used to be the personal secretary of the beloved Princess Grace “What I like most tonight is seeing women dressed in women’s shoes”, she finally pointed out.

Not by chance, the female presence within Business & Protocol Monaco gives added value to it. Beauty and glamour are corner stones of every member’s activity. Thus, feeling good inside and outside makes the world react positively.

‘Club de Résidents Étrangers de Monaco” – CREM (Monaco Foreign Residents Club)
Lady Delia Grace Noble attending the launch conference of “Business & Protocol” with illustrious audience (CREM, 24th October 2019). © Show Business Monte-Carlo

Sometimes, wellness is running through a unique perfumed essence like “Precious Me”, conceived by the architect Giovanna Bima Dalmasso, well known in the Principality for her social commitments. This limited edition female perfume concentrates the power of twenty-four white flowers from different geographical areas giving a therapeutic body-and-mind effect as a sense of purity. “That is a dream that comes true, after a two-year research”, stressed Mrs. Bima Dalmasso, already used to natural elements. In other cases, revolutionary aesthetic medicine can make a difference.

My cosmeceutical beauty line is resulting from my passion to test”, revealed Dr. Ilaria Prandelli founder of ‘ILAIRE, Italian Cosmeceutical Essence’, a series of products based on natural active ingredients including gold, caviar and pearl powder to moisturize skin by enhancing its radiance as never before. Something of great interest for the start-up luxury organization aimed also at building a strong networking among high-class brands and B2B opportunities.

‘Club de Résidents Étrangers de Monaco” – CREM (Monaco Foreign Residents Club)
Mrs. Narcisa Pherez, being awarded Chinese Ambassador of Distinction & Elegance 2019/2020 by Lady Delia Grace Noble (CREM, 24th October 2019). © Show Business Monte-Carlo

Business & Protocol Monaco novel multitasking approach, however, aims at being more than a business oriented body. It is strongly focused, in fact, in creating ‘building relationships’, essential for any connection. That is pursued via a win-win combination of business, beauty and sport events with special regard to playing golf and horse riding. High standard job meetings, educational workshops, knowledge & experiences sharing meetings around the world are integral part of its upscale network of members, approved by a Board of Directors, after having been sponsored by an existing affiliate. Most of them are Monegasque or residents in Monaco but representing different Countries as celebrated by the ceremony of investiture of Country Ambassadors of Distinction and Elegance (including Mrs. Bima Dalmasso) and Vice-Presidents of Beauty and Elegance (including Dr. Prandelli) that followed the introduction conference at CREM.

‘Club de Résidents Étrangers de Monaco” – CREM (Monaco Foreign Residents Club)
Distinguished guests in their stylish dresses attending the ceremony of investiture of Country Ambassadors of Distinction and Elegance (CREM, 24th October 2019). © Show Business Monte-Carlo

Business & Protocol Monaco, then, is done in compliance with grace and charm at the base of very special events like the Grand Balls, precious gems of Gala Dinners set up annually in the most glamourous hotels in each hosting Country. And the Principality appears to be the ideal place where to express liveliness, inventiveness and stylishness. For this reason, also the 2020 St. Valentines Grand Ball will be inspiring a princely night in Monaco, next February. Let us discover where elegance meets luxury in the best Monegasque style!

‘Club de Résidents Étrangers de Monaco” – CREM (Monaco Foreign Residents Club)
Mrs. Marina von Lison being awarded Vice-President of Beauty and Elegance 2019/2020 by Lady Delia Grace Noble (CREM, 24thOctober 2019). © Show Business Monte-Carlo


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